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Observation Cars


GN 1196 'City of Spokane'


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Location:            Yardley

                              Spokane, WA


Type:                    29 Parlor seats-1 bedroom-lounge-observation


Series:                 1195-1196


Built:                     5/1950


Picture taken:    July 28th, 2000 and July 19th, 2002


Remarks:            1196 was originally named 'Port of Vancouver'

                              and used on the International.



GN 1292 'Going-to-the-Sun Mountain'


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Location:             Milwaukee, WI

                               E. Stewart St. at S. Hilbert St.


Type:                    2 Roomette-buffet-lounge-observation


Series:                 1290-1295


Built:                     Between 10/1950 and 3/1951


Picture taken:    August 5, 2003


Remarks:            Car was until recently in use as a bar and is still

                              in 100% original condition.



GN 7575 'Litchfield'


GN7575LitchfieldObservation1.JPG (46504 bytes)        Click for larger image        Click for larger image        Click for larger image


Location:             Portland, OR


Type:                    Wood diner-lounge-observation




Built:                     As St.PM&M 503 9/23/1888 by Barney & Smith


Picture taken:    By Scott White from the collection of Jan Girardot


Remarks:            Car has been beautifully redone in and out.